ब्लॉग में आपका स्वागत है

हृदय के उदगारों को शब्द रूप प्रदान करना शायद हृदय की ही आवश्यकता है.

आप मेरी शक्ति स्रोत, प्रेरणा हैं .... You are my strength, inspiration :)

Monday, June 30, 2008


Don’t worry my love
I love you a lot
There is helplessness
Frustration a lot
Life’s stopping my pace
Hurdles to overcome a lot
Dreams going haywire
To gather broken pieces a lot
Images of people shatter
Those shreds pierce a lot
You ache mutely telling
You belong to me a lot
The helplessness, frustration
You are not to be blamed
Pace stopper, hurdles, shattered dreams
You are not to be blamed
It is the mindset of people
Which is to be blamed
That they don’t realize you can do it
It is to be blamed
That you want to live a life
They cant understand is to be blamed
Don’t worry my stump
I love you a lot


O! that sharp pain pierced once again
This time at different place
It is gnawing again
There’s no remedy
No pill, nothing to ease it
Still it feels nice also
Tries to stay still, no movement
To let the sensation stay in
Pain though brings helplessness
It gives the feel how it was
Before it became a stump
The pain, the phantom pain.


I look at the stump and wonder
Was there or is the life yonder
It was there as a base
And no there was no haste
Slowly and slowly it withered
Became a vegetable never imagined
Hope was, but a, distant dream
Tears, Oh now and then used to gleam
Then came the time of judgement
The stump was but the remnant
Winds that blew away the shriveled foliage
Had been vehement, so full of rage
Now all over there was calm
Applying balm, no the rage was not a sham
Stump stumbled back to life
Will it or wont it everywhere was the rife
A new sapling was grown
To many it seemed was its own
Now it’s giving shade no wonder

Was there or is the life yonder


बचपन को नज़र भर देख ताक पर रखा
वो शरारतों से भरा निश्छल बचपन
हर वक्त महकता कोलाहल भरपूर
ममता की छॉव में पलता
जिन्दगी नन्हें दिमाग से तौलता

उसने यौवन की दहलीज़ पर कदम रखा
आँखों में मदमाते स्वप्न
पलकों में ममता का नूर
इठलाती, बलखाती जवानी
कई नजरें थी उसकी दिवानी

वक्त के दिए साथ का उसने मान रखा
वो साथी से शर्मिला मिलन
हर पल बन गया था कोहिनूर
नैनों ने नैनों से की अनगिनत बातें
कटे ऐसे ना जाने कितनी दिन कितनी रातें

गम ने चोरी से पिछवाड़े से कदम रखा
सूनी धरती सूना हो गया गगन
रोते-रोते हो गई आँखों बेनूर
साथी का साथ छूट गया
आँचल खाली ही रह गया

जिन्दगी ने क्यों ममता से वंचित रखा
थी कितनी वो खुशियों में मगन
और अब लबों से हँसी हो गई दूर
काश उसने कहा होता हाँ
आज उसे कोई कहता माँ


वो नन्हा सा कमल
खिला भरपूर मस्ती से
भरा हवा के संग बहता
लहरों पर मचलता

धीरे-धीरे अलहड़पन आया
मादक खुशबू का नशा छाया
मस्ती ने स्थिरता ली
यौवन ने स्निग्घता दी

एक भँवरा इक दिन मंडराया
उसको खुशबू संग ले आया
सोने का था सुन्दर पात्र
पर था उसमें जल ही मात्र

फिर आई नन्ही कमलिनी
खुशबू लिए भिनी भिनी
पर भँवरा छिटक गया
किसी मंज़र पर भटक गया

ममता से भरपूर कमल
पर अपनों से दूर कमल
बस कमलिनी गोद में
न कोई भ्रमर प्रमोद में

आह ताल से बिछडने का गम
कहाँ है वो जिसमें हुए मैं से हम
बस सोने का था पात्र
थी उसमें जलछाया मात्र

he, she ---- they

................................... Lovingly
he handed her a rose. Sweetly
she gave him a smile. Lightly
he touched her brow. Shyly
she handed him her hand. Gladly
he took her along a path. Believingly
she with him walked. Assumingly
he made her look forward. Conformingly
she told him to continue. Confidently
he held her hand striding. Receptively
she on him put her weight. Convincingly
he build her, them a house. Affectionately
she made him, them a home. Lovingly
(he, she ---- they lived)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

नही पलकें तुम्हारी भिगानी है

कुछ जग से पाया हुआ है
कुछ गम की कहानी है
कैसे सुनाऐं क्या है
अपनी कहानी पुरानी है
होंठ मुस्कराते हैं
फिर भी आँखों में पानी है 

खिलाता गुलजारे चमन है
पर दिल में विरानी है
समुन्द्र सी उफ़नती है 
पर मरुस्थली ये जवानी है  

आँखों में आँसू लाती है
ऐसी अपनी कहानी है
छोडो भी मन उदास होगा तुम्हारा
अपनी भी क्या सुनानी है
एहसान होगा हम पर तुम्हारा 
नही पलकें तुम्हारी भिगानी है

 pics from google 

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

what life means to me.

I read your thoughts but
have not understood you.
I care very much for but
have not told you.
I love your very presence but
have not shown you.
I know some of your facts but
have not known you.
I have prayed for you but
have not worshiped you.
I very well know that
You love me very much but
have not been loved.
You cared for me very much but
have not been cared.
You wanted a reply from me but
have not been replied.
But what can I do
I am not sure myself that
what my feelings are.
I don’t think I know that
what my thinking are.
I suspect many things as
what they really are.
I don’t know what you
really mean to me.
Wait, if you can wait till
I know what life means to me.

I - a known stranger

O’ how much I crave for your love
Love which I never got
That tenderness which says – Yes, you are mine
The touch which gives the feeling of belongingness
I am yours but, you are not mine
You are of everyone else, except me
Everyone is natural with you, not me
My touch fears disapproval
As, I am still a stranger
A Known Stranger

My Love!

I don't say, I will die for you
But, I will say, I will live
To at least bring, a smile to your lips.

I may sometimes, forget things
But, everything of you, for you and
By you, will be a thing of great concern.

I am liable to be impatient at times
But, will always try to
Hear you, with all the patience.

I don't say, for you, I will bring stars from the sky
But, will try
To brighten your life, with cheers.

I can't say, life will always bring happiness
But, promise to be there, to dry your tears,
Help you, hold you in arms and to share.

I may not proclaim my love, over and over again
But my smile, concern, patience, cheers
And sharing, will tell you subtly, that
I always care for you.